tandis que je parle le langage de la
vérité, de la réalite des
problèmes du monde et des moyens
fiables de les discerner.
Le probleme vient lorsque les poésies
viennent prétendre s'y connaître en
matière de discernement de la verite et de
marche du monde, et encore pire, lorsque ça
vient revendiquer la sagesse de Dieu
avec sa Vérité Suprême
au-dessus de tout autre voie de connaissance.
Puisque visiblement vous n'avez pas commence a
comprendre quel langage
je parle, je vais ici copier-coller une
explication que j'ai cite dans
ma page
A Young-Earth Creationist Christian wrote the
following (here I only
copy of the most important sentences):
"I am a Christian and a technologist.
I am alone and unwelcome in the American churches.
Anybody can walk into almost any church on Sunday
morning and
immediately see that there are more women than
men, often more than
twice as many...
Anybody can walk into any scientific or technology
conference or
science department in a secular university and
find more men than
women. What is in large numbers is the
preponderance of atheists and
non-religious practitioners, usually in far
greater proportion than
the population at large in America.
The American churches are hostile to kind of
people who become
scientists and technologists. We can come, but
only by pretending or
acting like somebody other than God made us to be.
It's like trying to
evangelize Africans by telling them to bleach
their skin.
It really has nothing to do with gender at all,
except that there is a
significant gender discrimination in one MBTI
dimension, and that one
dimension also selects technology and science on
the one hand, and the
Christian religion as practiced in America on the
Feelers tend to criticize Thinkers for being
uncaring, while Thinkers
tend to criticize Feelers for hypocrisy. It's not
that the Thinkers
don't care about people, but they value truth and
justice over
affirmation. Everybody really wants truth to
prevail -- especially
when lies result in harm to themselves -- and most
people are willing
to ``live and let live,'' to allow other people
the enjoyment of their
own lives. This is especially so when people
recognize that the tables
could be turned, that they could be the recipients
of comparable
The conflict comes when the truth is disaffirming.
People often need
to know that they are part of the problem, so they
can act to correct
their participation in it. However, it is
unpleasant to receive such
criticism, and Feelers empathize with that
unpleasantness. Thinkers,
on the other hand, consider the truth more
important than the fleeting
discomfort. This is the fundamental difference
between Thinkers and
Feelers. Thinkers value the truth over
affirmation, and Feelers value
affirmation over the truth.
Science and technology, on the other hand, is
about truth. Affirmation
is irrelevant and generally counter-productive.
The scientific method
thrives on disaffirming the presuppositions of the
status quo, and
trying out new disruptive ideas. Technology works
the same way, but
focuses on new products rather than the laws of
nature. Many of these
new ideas don't work, but enough do succeed to
make our culture the
most prosperous in all of history. As a result,
the vast majority of
scientists and technologists are Thinkers. Again
the labor marketplace
reflects the reality of the work being done there.
Science requires a Thinker perspective to succeed;
most of the
religious institutions survive by affirmation, a
Feeler value. This is
a recent distinction resulting mostly from the
Feeler takeover of the
churches. Science has always been a Thinker
Successful artists and preachers tend to be
Feelers. Preachers
especially survive best by affirming their
The churches I grew up in (and continue to
patronize) emphasize as
part of their doctrine, that there is such a thing
as absolute Truth
and that God abhors lies. Then they turn around
and insist that their
``Christianity is a relationship, not a
religion,'' and (almost
proudly) that ``the church is full of hypocrites,
and if you find one
that isn't, don't join it, because you'll spoil
Thinkers are not hypocrites. The highest Thinker
value is to tell the
truth, even when it is uncomfortable. It is
Feelers who are
hypocrites, who value ``relationship'' (meaning
affirmation) over
truth, and are thus willing to hide the
uncomfortable truth and to
live a lie for the sake of pleasantry.
What this means is that the churches are
implicitly (and often
explicitly) promoting Feeler values and
deprecating Thinker values.
This is not just the conservative Bible-oriented
churches, but all of
them. Even more so the more ``liberal'' churches
who make no claim to
adhering to Bible absolutes. Absolutes are a
Thinker value, but even
the self-proclaimed absolutists give it second
place after
``relationships'' (the Feeler value).
As a consequence, the Feelers feel affirmed in the
churches, and the
Thinkers are not. The proportion of women in the
churches matches the
proportion of women Feelers.
People have started noticing the gender disparity
in church. The
Thinkers out there in the real world couldn't care
less. It's not
their problem. But the men in the churches feel
outnumbered. Where are
the guys? So they start new ministries to attract
men into the
churches, and to keep them there once they come.
Thus was born the
``Men's Movement.''
The guys in the Men's Movement (MM) don't have a
clue. They are all
Feelers themselves, so they do not understand that
all the guys who
don't come have very different values than they
themselves do. All of
the MM stuff is about ``showing your inner
feelings,'' in other words,
becoming Feelers.
Tel est un des probleme fondamentaux chez les
evangeliques. L'Eglise
Catholique serait-elle fondamentalement differente
d'apres vous ???????
Voir aussi en francais:
section "La corruption"