For the publication, I was asked to divide it again, and the revised
first part (construction of the integral for links) is published in the
AGT electronic Journal (in
and put as a replacement of math.GT/0005085.
The referee had asked me to make some more developments to make the
second part (extension to tangles as a parallel construction to the Kontsevich
integral) more rigourous and readable. So it is a work that can be done
in the future.
I also recently wrote an article which shows the three results announced in my thesis article (result of more precise rationality, criterion for the diagrams of nonempty image interior (now included in the revised version published above), cancellation of the anomaly in degree 5 using program maple).
You can find all this on my site,
Now concerning my interest in more elementary mathematics, a version
of an article in French entitled "Une nouvelle introduction à la
physique mathématique" (="a new introduction to mathematical physics")
has been published in "Lucrarile seminarului de creativitate matematica"
vol.10, 2001, 175-195 (ISSN 1224-3310). But I have written much more material
also in French and put it on my site ( without
trying to publish it, because it aims to be the beginning of a future book.
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